Humana's board of directors

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Humana shall consist of three to eight members in accordance with the Articles of Association. The members of the Board shall together possess the skills and experience that are important for the optimal development of Humana.

Board of Directors

Anders Nyberg

Anders Nyberg

Chairman of the Board

Studied Business Administration and Economics at Stockholm University.

Other current appointments
Chairperson, Gordon delivery; Board member, Apopro (Denmark) and Centrofarm (Italy).

Previous appointments and professional experience
CEO of Apotek Hjärtat, vice President of ICA and Axfood.

Holdings per 2024-10-28
Own and closely associated holdings - 43,700 shares

Independent of the company and its executive management, as well as of major shareholders in the company.

Grethe Aasved

Grethe Aasved

Board member

Born 1954. Board member since 2023. Member of the remuneration committee.


Medical Doctor from Oslo University, Specialist in Psychiatry

Other ongoing assignments

CEO of St. Olavs Hospital, University Hospital in Trondheim. Advisory Board Member of Health technology, Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Chairman of the Board, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Board member of HEMIT HF and Board member of Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience.

Previous assignments and professional experience

Board member of Unicare Holding, Pfizer (Norway) and Tomra Systems. Chairman of the Board of the Norwegian Junior Doctors Association, Vice President of the Norwegian Medical Association, Secretary General of the European organisation of Doctors, Brussels, CEO of Norway in Aleris Helse, Director Governmental Affairs at Pfizer (Norway)

Holdings per 2024-10-31

Own and close related parties holdings: 1,276 shares.

Independent in relation to Humana, the senior management and Humana’s major shareholders.

Monica Lingegård

Monica Lingegård

Board member

Born 1962. Board member since 2017. Member of the remuneration committee.

M.Sc.Econ, University of Stockholm.

Other current appointments
CEO of SJ. Chairman of Swedish Space Corporation Group.

Previous appointments and professional experience
CEO of Samhall and of G4S Secure Solutions. Board member of Nobina, Wireless Maingate, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Orio, Svenskt Näringsliv and Almega.

Holdings per 2020-12-31
Own and close related parties holdings - 1,500 shares

Independent in relation to Humana, the senior management and Humana’s major shareholders.

Leena Munter-Ollus

Leena Munter-Ollus

Board Member

Born 1968. Board member since 2023. Member of the audit committee.


M. Sc. In International Accounting from the Swedish School of Economics in Helsinki.
Other ongoing assignments: Interim Head of Transformation at Business Finland. Starting as CEO at Taitotalo. Board member at Työkanava. Chairman of the Supervisory Board co-operative Varuboden – Osla.

Previous assignments and professional experience

CEO of Haltija Group, Mainio Vire and ManpowerGroup Finland. Leading positions at Manpower and 3M. Board member at Sailab Medtech Finland and Kaisankoti.

Holdings per 2023-05-09

Own and close related parties holdings: 750 shares.

Independent in relation to Humana, the senior management and Humana’s major shareholders.

Carolina Oscarius Dahl

Carolina Oscarius Dahl

Board member

Born 1983. Board member since 2023. Member of the remuneration committee.


M.Sc. in Business and Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics.
Other ongoing assignments: Partner at Impilo.

Previous assignments and professional experience

Investment Director at Interogo Holding, Investment Manager at Nordstjernan and Associate Principal at McKinsey & Company.

Holdings per 2023-05-09
Own and close related parties holdings: 0 shares.

Independent of the company and its executive management, however he is considered to have a connection with one of the major shareholders in the company.

Ralph Riber

Ralph Riber

Board member

Born 1958. Board member since 2023. Member of the audit committee.


Bachelor’s degree in economics and M.Sc. in Business Administration from the University of Gothenburg

Other ongoing assignments

CEO at Atveda. Consultant at Riber Enterprises. Board member at Stockholms Stadsmission and the school foundation of Stadsmissionen.

Previous assignments and professional experience

CEO of Internationella Engelska Skolan and Ambea. Vice President Consulting of Adacra. CEO of Tärno Kompani. Board member at Fenix Funeral, Esperi Care Group, Aleris and Internationella Engelska Skolan.

Holdings per 2023-05-09

Own and close related parties holdings - 10,000 shares.

Independent in relation to Humana, the senior management and Humana’s major shareholders

Fredrik Strömholm

Fredrik Strömholm

Board member

Born 1965. Board member since 2019. Chairman of the audit committee.

M.Sc. in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics, with a major in finance at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales in France; and studies in French, Russian and East European history at the universities of Uppsala and Stockholm.

Other current appointments
Co-founder of Impilo and chairman of its investment committee, board member of Ferrosan Medical Devices, Ortic 3D, the Fertility Partnership and Euro Accident. He is also chairman of Natur and Kultur and board member of the college board of The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH) and Skellefteå AIK Hockey.

Previous appointments and professional experience
Partner and founder at Altor Equity Partners for 14 years, managing director at Goldman Sachs International and investment manager at Nordic Capital.

Holdings per 2023-09-15
Own and closely associated holdings - 13,238,425 shares

Independent of the company and its executive management, however he is considered to have a connection with one of the major shareholders in the company.

The work of the Board

Humana's Board of Directors has overall responsibility for creating a value-creating and sustainable business for shareholders with continuity and a long-term approach. The Board is responsible for the company's overall strategy, ensures a well-founded decision-making process and has a good understanding of how the industry and Humana's operating environment are developing. Another important function of the Board is to ensure that the company has good risk management, control and monitoring of the business.

The duties and responsibilities of the Board are governed by the Swedish Companies Act and Humana's Articles of Association. In addition, the work of the Board is governed by rules of procedure adopted annually by the Board. The rules of procedure describe, among other things, the division of work and responsibilities between the members of the Board, the Chairman of the Board and the CEO. The Board also draws up instructions for its committees. Humana's Board of Directors continuously monitors the strategic direction, the financial development and the company's methods and processes to maintain well-functioning operations. Humana's Board is also responsible for ensuring the quality of financial reporting and internal control and for evaluating operations in accordance with the goals and guidelines established by the Board. The Chairman of the Board and the CEO must monitor the company's development and prepare and chair Board meetings. The Chair of the Board is also responsible for ensuring that the members of the Board evaluate their work on an annual basis and are continuously provided with the information necessary to carry out their work in an efficient and satisfactory manner.

Board work in 2023

Read about the board's work during the most recently reported year in the Corporate Governance Report, which is part of Humana's annual report.

Audit committee

In accordance with the Code and the Swedish Companies Act, Humana's Board has established an Audit Committee. The main task of the Audit Committee is to support the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities in the areas of financial reporting, accounting, auditing, internal control and risk management. The Audit Committee operates according to rules of procedure established by the Board. The Committee's duties also include reviewing internal audit procedures and reviewing and monitoring the auditor's impartiality and independence. The Audit Committee meets regularly with the auditors to be informed of the focus, scope and findings of the audit.

Members of the Audit Committee:

  • Fredrik Strömholm, Chair
  • Anders Nyberg
  • Leena Munter
  • Ralph Riber

The Chairman of the Committee, Fredrik Strömholm, has the accounting expertise required by the Swedish Companies Act. All members of the Audit Committee are independent of the company. Anders Nyberg and Lena Munter and Ralph Riber, but not Fredrik Strömholm, are independent in relation to the company's largest shareholders.

Remuneration Committee

In accordance with the Code and the Swedish Companies Act, the Board of Humana has established a Remuneration Committee. The Remuneration Committee works according to rules of procedure adopted by the Board. The main task of the Remuneration Committee is to submit proposals to the Board on remuneration and terms for the President and CEO, remuneration principles for Group management and to monitor and evaluate ongoing and completed incentive programs. In addition, the Committee decides on the remuneration and conditions for other members of the Executive Committee. The members of the Remuneration Committee are also responsible for monitoring and evaluating the application of the guidelines for remuneration to senior executives adopted by the AGM. The Remuneration Committee also has a responsibility for succession planning and talent management.

Members of the Remuneration Committee:

  • Anders Nyberg, Chair
  • Monica Lingegård
  • Grethe Aasved
  • Carolina Oscarius Dahl

All members are independent in relation to the company and its management.


Read about Remuneration to senior executives here

Diversity policy

As a group, the members of Humana's Board of Directors should have appropriate skills, experience and background that contribute to the development of the company.

The aim is for the Board to be made up of members of varying ages, represented by both men and women, with varied geographical and ethnic backgrounds, and complement each other in terms of educational and professional background. The aim is for the Board to contribute to independent and critical questioning.

Humana's Board has adopted a diversity policy that the Nomination Committee takes into account when preparing its proposal to the AGM. The Nomination Committee also takes into account section 4.1 of the Swedish Corporate Governance Code.