A group of people standing in front of a crowd

Group management

Humana's Group Management consists of Humana's President and CEO and the country managers for the three countries in which Humana operates, CFO, CIO, Communications Director and HR Director.

Group management

Nathalie Boulas Nilsson

Nathalie Boulas Nilsson

CEO and President

Born 1969. CEO since 2024


Msc Business and Administration, Bsc economics and international business administration, Handelshögskolan Stockholm

Other current appointments

Previous appointments and professional experience
CEO Norlandia och vd Frösunda, Country Manager Norlandia Health and Care Group Sweden, Chief operating officer Tema Cancer på Karolinska universitetsjukhuset, CEO Locum AB.

Holdings per 2024-11-14 Own and closely associated holdings - 9 050 shares

Hans Dahlgren

Hans Dahlgren

Business Area Manager Personal Assistance

Born 1970. Business Area Manager Personal Assistance since 2023. Previously Director of Quality-, Communications - and Development from 2022.


Stockholm School of Economics MBA with focus on change management, IT and healthcare. Bachelor of Science in political science/business economics, Uppsala University, California State University and Babson F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business.

Other current appointments

Previous appointments and professional experience

CEO at Swedish Medical Association/Medical journal & working chairman t Lipus AB, Business area manager, care and communications director Team Olivia, Business development manager and marketing manager Praktikertjänst AB, Business policy manager Vårdföretagarna/Almega, Head of political support in the Riksdag and Communications director SACO.

Around thirty board assignments within mainly private healthcare and social care but also municipal administration, A-kassa, non-profit associations, newspapers and insurance companies.

Holdings per 2022-06-01
Own and closely associated holdings - 0 shares

Christoffer Herou

Christoffer Herou


Born 1981. CFO since 2024


Master of Business Administration, Lunds University.

Other current appointments

Previous appointments and professional experience
Group CFO C-RAD, Group CFO Brado (publ.) / Frösunda Omsorg, CFO Norlandia Health and Care Group Sweden, CFO, Wind Division, Siemens AB, Senior Associate Audit, KPMG.

Holdings per 2024-11-14 Own and closely associated holdings - 4 600 shares

Kimmo Huhtimo

Kimmo Huhtimo

Interim Country manager Finland

Born 1970. Country Manager (Interim), Finland since 2024. Division Director since 2020, Child Welfare and Disability services

M.Sc in engineering, Helsinki University of Tecnology

Other current appointments

Previous appointments and professional experience
Several executive and Management Team level positions in the field of service business at Mehiläinen and Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj.

Holdings per 2024-09-02
Own and closely associated holdings - 0 shares

Mona Lien

Mona Lien

Country Manager Norway

Born 1962. Country Manager Norway since 2015.

M.Sc. with a major in psychology, University of Oslo and Trondheim and New York University. Two-year leadership program at Business Economics Institute (BI).

Other current appointments
Board member of the Norwegian trade organization NHO Service og Handel.

Previous appointments and professional experience
Operational and Business Development Manager at INOM Norge. CEO of Løft AS.

Holdings per 2024-11-15
Own and closely associated holdings - 20,913 shares

Nina Marklund Krantz

Nina Marklund Krantz

HR Director

Born 1974. HR Director since 2021. Head of HR for the business area Individual & Family from 2017.

Bachelor’s degree in Human resources and Work life conditions at Kristianstad University. Various courses and trainings related to HR and management.

Other current appointments

Previous appointments and professional experience
Head of HR, HR specialist, HR strategist and Operations Manager at Attendo 2006-2017.

Holdings per 2021-09-01
Own and closely associated holdings 4,512 shares

Adam Nerell

Adam Nerell


M.Sc. in Computer and Systems Science, Stockholm University

Other current appointments:

Previous appointments and professional experience:
Head of IT at Klarahill AB, CIO Team Olivia AB, Head of IT Helsa AB

Holdings per 2023-06-30:
Own and closely associated holdings - 499 shares

Group executive Management's work

The President and CEO is responsible for the day-to-day management of Humana in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including Nasdaq Stockholm's Rule Book for Issuers, the Code and the instructions and strategies established by the Board.

The CEO ensures that the Board receives the information necessary for the Board to make informed decisions. The CEO monitors compliance with Humana's goals, policies and strategic plans established by the Board and is responsible for informing the Board of Humana's development between Board meetings.

The President leads the work of the Executive Committee, which is responsible for overall business development. The CEO's work and performance are regularly evaluated by the Board.


Read about Remuneration to senior executives here