Nomination committee
Humana AB shall, according to the instructions of the general meeting, have a nomination committee consisting of one representative of each of the four largest shareholders in terms of votes and the chairman of the board.
Based on the ownership structure as of August 31, 2023, the following persons have been appointed as members of the Nomination Committee for the 2024 Annual General Meeting:
Nomination Committee
- Fredrik Strömholm, representative from Impilo Care AB, Chairman of the Nomination Committee
- Alexander Kopp, representative from Incentive AS
- Anette Andersson, representative from SEB Investment Management AB
- Richard Torgerson, representative from Nordea Funds
- Anders Nyberg, Humana's Chairman of the Board
Prior to the Annual General Meeting, the Nomination Committee shall prepare proposals for the Chairman of the Meeting, the number of Board members, fees to each of the Board members, election of the Board and Chairman of the Board, fees to the auditor and election of the auditor, and, to the extent deemed necessary, proposals for changes to the Nomination Committee's instructions.
The Annual General Meeting of Humana AB was held on Thursday, May 16, 2024.
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee for the 2024 Annual General Meeting may do so by e-mail to or by post to Humana AB, Annual General Meeting, Attn: Ewelina Pettersson, Warfvinges väg 39, 112 51 Stockholm. In order for the Nomination Committee to be able to process proposals received in a constructive manner, these should be received by the Nomination Committee no later than January 11, 2024.
Instructions for the Nomination Committee
At an extraordinary general meeting in February 2016, Humana AB's annual general meeting adopted instructions for the appointment of the nomination committee, which apply until the general meeting decides otherwise.
Instructions for the appointment of the Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee shall consist of representatives of the four largest shareholders registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on August 31, or the last business day of August,* and the Chairman of the Board, who shall also convene the Nomination Committee for its first meeting.
The member representing the largest shareholder in terms of votes shall be appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee. The chairman of the board shall not be the chairman of the nomination committee.
In the event that a member leaves the Nomination Committee before its work is completed, a replacement may be appointed from the same shareholder if the Nomination Committee deems it necessary. In the event that a shareholder represented on the Nomination Committee has significantly reduced its shareholding in the company, the representative of such shareholder may resign and, if the Nomination Committee deems it appropriate, a representative of the next largest shareholder may be given the opportunity to join. If the ownership structure otherwise changes significantly before the nomination committee's assignment is completed, the composition of the nomination committee may be changed, if the nomination committee so decides, in the manner the nomination committee deems appropriate. Any change in the composition of the nomination committee shall be announced immediately.
The composition of the Nomination Committee shall be announced at least six months before the Annual General Meeting.
No remuneration shall be paid to the members of the nomination committee. Any necessary expenses for the work of the nomination committee shall be borne by the company.
The Nomination Committee's term of office runs until the composition of the next Nomination Committee is published.
The Nomination Committee shall submit proposals for the Chairman of the Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the auditor, the remuneration of the Board of Directors with a division between the Chairman and the other members and remuneration for committee work, the remuneration of the company's auditor and, to the extent deemed necessary, proposals for amendments to these instructions.
These instructions shall apply until further notice.
*The shareholder statistics to be used shall be sorted by voting power (ownership group) and include the 25 largest shareholders registered in Sweden, i.e. shareholders with an account with Euroclear Sweden AB in their own name or shareholders who hold a custody account with a nominee who has disclosed the shareholder's identity to Euroclear Sweden AB.