Key figures - definitions
Humana explains various economic terms
Key financial ratios
Return on capital employed, %
Definition - Operating profit and financial income divided by total capital employed multiplied by 100.
Purpose - The ratio shows the business's return on the capital provided by owners and lenders. The purpose is to show the group's return independent of financing.
Definition - Operating profit before depreciation and amortization.
Purpose - The key figure is used to monitor the company's earnings generated by operating activities and facilitates comparisons of profitability between different companies and industries.
Adjusted operating profit and adjusted EBITDA
Definition - Operating profit and EBITDA adjusted for items affecting comparability.
Purpose - The adjustment for items affecting comparability is made to facilitate a fair comparison between two comparable time periods and to show the underlying development of the operating activities excluding non-recurring items.
Operating cash flow
Definition - Operating profit including changes in depreciation/amortization, working capital and investments in other non-current assets (net).
Purpose - Excluding cash flow from acquisitions and financing facilitates an analysis of cash flow generation from operating activities.
Organic growth
Definition - Growth of comparable companies in each segment that Humana owned in the previous comparison period.
Purpose - The ratio shows the underlying revenue growth in comparable companies between the different periods.
Net interest-bearing debt
Definition - Borrowings excluding interest rate derivatives less cash and cash equivalents and interest-bearing assets.
Purpose - Net debt is used to illustrate and assess the Group's ability to meet its financial obligations in a simple manner.
Net interest-bearing debt/EBITDA
Definition - Net interest-bearing debt divided by EBITDA.
Purpose - The ratio shows the Group's indebtedness in relation to EBITDA. It is used to illustrate the Group's ability to meet its financial commitments.
Equity ratio (%)
Definition - Equity including non-controlling interests divided by total assets multiplied by 100.
Purpose - The ratio shows the proportion of assets that are financed with equity. The purpose is to be able to assess the group's solvency in the long term.
Capital employed
Definition - Total assets less non-interest-bearing debt.
Purpose - The ratio shows the proportion of the company's assets financed by interest-bearing capital.
Other financial ratios
Equity per ordinary share
Definition - Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent divided by the number of shares at the end of the period after redemptions, repurchases and new issues.
Average number of ordinary shares
Definition - Calculated as an average of the number of ordinary shares outstanding on a daily basis after redemptions and repurchases.
Average equity capital
Definition - Calculated on the average quarterly equity attributable to equity holders of the parent calculated from the quarterly opening and closing balances.
Items affecting comparability
Definition - Items that are not expected to recur and that make comparability between two given periods difficult.
Average number of full-time employees
Definition - The average number of full-time employees during the reporting period.
Average number of clients
Definition - Average number of customers during the period.
Earnings per common share for the period
Definition - Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent less the period's share of dividends declared on preference shares divided by the average number of ordinary shares. Defined in IFRS.
Operating profit
Definition - Profit before financial items and tax.
Operating margin (%)
Definition - Operating profit divided by operating income multiplied by 100.