Humana as an investment
Why invest in Humana? An investment in Humana is
an investment in sustainable welfare. A track record of creating
value and a clear strategy where Humana is part of the solution to societal challenges provide the basis for a long-term sustainable return.
Invest in Humana - invest in sustainable welfare
Humana has a strong position in the growing care market and a clear strategy for achieving its overall goal of being the obvious choice of provider of care services in the Nordic region for customers, clients and contractors who require high quality.
Humana aims to set a new and higher standard of care.
Humana contributes to price competition, quality competition and freedom of choice, and drives social innovation. In doing so, we act as a catalyst for
sustainable development in the entire care industry.
Humana has a clear strategy for how its operations will continue to develop and clear targets for profitable and socially, economically and environmentally sustainable growth.
Five reasons to invest in Humana:
Humana has a strong position in a growing care market.
By providing services where the needs are greatest, we can drive
profitability and value creation for society and shareholders alike.
1. Growing, non-cyklical market
- Increased demand for specialisation, productivity and quality improvements – areas where Humana leads the way.
2. Expertise and offering where society's needs are greatest
- Market leadership in a fragmented Nordic care market with high margins presents opportunities for profitable growth.
3. Clear strategy for growth
- A sustainable strategy.
Driving a new and higher standard of care.
4. Sustainable value creation
- Sustainability drives our business. Competitive advantages through
innovation, freedom of choice, price competition and quality competition create value for society and drive growth.
5. Attractive cash flow
- Clear financial targets and good cash conversion provide the basis for a long-term return.