Humana and INOM merge to form market-leading player in individual and family care operations
Humana is acquiring INOM (Innovativ omsorg i Norden), which conducts care and treatment under own management in the areas of psychiatry and psychosocial improvement work with an emphasis on adult social psychiatry and qualified family home operations and outpatient care. To date, Humana has been conducting individual and family care operations with a focus on child and youth care in special care homes (“HVB”), with leading-edge expertise in several areas. The merger will take place in January 2014, contingent upon approval from the Competition Authority.
Humana’s and INOM’s care ideologies are well-aligned, with a focus on quality and the individual. Through the merger, Humana and INOM will be able to offer care and treatment for all age groups in psychiatry and psychosocial change work. The operations complement each other well both geographically and in terms of content.
Per Granath, President of Humana, comments on the merger in the individual and family segment:
“INOM and Humana are both strong, operations-focused companies with similar values and a long-term ambition to operate and develop high-quality operations. The work performed by our committed and competent employees is important for the individuals we serve as well as for our principals and for society. The merger entails that two organisations with complementary operations can together offer a broader range of services for our clients and our principals. We will continue to build the market’s best individual and family care services with the help of INOM’s experience and competencies.”
Rasmus Nerman, President of INOM, comments:
“We look forward to combining our strengths to set a new, higher standard in our field. We will do this through a continued effort to build up a care and treatment operation in which focus is on the client and where we actively work with evidence-based practice (EBP) as well as methods and therapies that rest on a scientific foundation. We have ascertained that we have the same view of quality and of the importance of working from a strong values foundation.”
INOM’s operations today comprise 800 employees on a full-time equivalent and 900 care assignments. Following the merger, Humana’s and INOM’s combined individual and family care operations will cover more than 1,200 full-time equivalent employees and 1,350 care assignments.
For further information, please contact:
Per Granath, President, Humana, tel. +46-70-637 40 18
Rasmus Nerman, President, INOM, +46-70-828 18 60
Helena Pharmanson, Director of Communications, Humana +46-734-344 644