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  5. Broad criticism of changed assistance benefit

Broad criticism of changed assistance benefit

Extensive criticism has been voiced over the conclusions of the current so-called Assistance Benefit study, particularly with respect to the fundamental analysis. This is shown in a compilation of the responses in the review circulation performed by Humana.

“The conclusion must be that the study cannot serve as a basis for changing the level of assistance benefit,” says Harald Wessman, President of Humana’s assistance operations.

Several influential parties point out that the study has major flaws with respect to documentation and the consequence analysis of the effects of a lower benefit. Among the critical parties are Försäkringskassan, SKL (the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions) and the Swedish Agency for Participation (MFD).

The compilation of all responses to the review circulation points to criticism of the study in three main areas:

· the documentation has critical flaws, such as with respect to the reasons for higher costs for personal assistance over time, and failure to identify the actual costs
· the quality of assistance is at risk of being deteriorated as a result of lower compensation, entailing poorer work conditions for assistants
· a consequence analysis is lacking for persons entitled to assistance

Key user, union and employer organisations have also criticised the study’s proposals. Harald Wessman notes that it is clear that those who receive or work with assistance are concerned about the study’s conclusions.

“For anyone who is dependent on personal assistance in order for their everyday lives to function, this study is sub-standard,” Wessman says. “Personal assistance deserves a better study. It is unacceptable that the study lacks the conditions to make a more qualitative review of how assistance works or how users and employees are affected by the proposals. The study notes itself that its documentation is sparse and that it did not have adequate time. The government’s conclusion should therefore be that the study cannot serve as a basis for changing the assistance benefit system or for lowering the benefit in reality.”

The Assistance Benefit study (SOU 2014:9) published its conclusions this spring, and the review circulation period expired in June. During the summer, Humana reviewed all 75 responses. Humana will present the results of this review on 5 September.

Welcome to a review of Humana’s compilation of the circulation responses.

Time: 5 September 2014 at 8.30 a.m. Breakfast will be served starting at 8 a.m.
Location: Humana’s offices, Warfvinges väg 39, 7th floor, Kungsholmen. Stadshagen underground station.
Please notify intention to attend by e-mail to frida.ganshed@humana.se, by 3 September at the latest.