Humana welcomes Ramlösa Social Utveckling into the fold
Humana, the market leader in personal assistance and individual and family care, with operations in LSS assisted living, elderly care and preschool/school/short-stay accommodation for children with multiple disabilities, acquires Ramlösa Social Utveckling (RSU).
RSU has family homes for adults and runs a LARO (medication-assisted treatment for opiate dependence) clinic in Helsingborg. RSU also has a regional office in Gothenburg. The target group is adults aged 18 and over with comorbidity and/or psychosocial problems, often with a criminal background. RSU offers outpatient-based specialist expertise, such as doctors and psychologists, and also conducts psychological assessments.
RSU has built up solid experience in its operation since it was established in 1989, and has achieved good results. RSU is an important piece of the jigsaw in Humana's national focus on family homes for adults and also complements Humana's services in the area of drug treatment, while also strengthening Humana in Skåne and western Sweden.
The take-over is effective immediately and does not involve any changes to operations, management or staff.
“We welcome RSU as a new member of the Humana family,” says Claus Forum, Business Area Manager, Individual & Family. “We look forward to working with RSU to further develop our operation for adults in family homes and outpatient care. Our shared values and common understanding of how to conduct good, productive care operations are something that unites everyone at Humana Individual & Family.”