Humana has more satisfied customers than the national average according to the Board of Health and Welfare
For the third consecutive year, the National Board of Health and Welfare has asked all older people receiving elderly care what they think about their care. Once again, we can affirm that Humana has achieved very good results and a high level of customer satisfaction at our units in both home care and elderly care.
We also have a unit that consistently reports incredibly good results. That unit is Kavlagården in Huskvarna, which we have been operating for Jönköping Municipality for four years. Head of operations at Kavlagården, Camilla Nordén, has this to say about the recipe for success:
“I am convinced that committed staff who are happy at work also generate satisfied customers. We have also improved our information to relatives, who have become more involved in all the tremendous work the staff do.
Here at Humana, we are delighted and proud to have achieved such good results again in this year's survey, which shows yet again that private care in general has very satisfied customers.”
For more information contact:
Eva-Lotta Sandberg, Business Area Manager, Elderly Care & LSS
Tel dir: 08-599 299 09
Mobile:070-733 88 55
More information about the survey:
A total of 131,938 people responded to this year's survey (91,690 persons receiving home care in ordinary housing and 40,248 people in nursing homes). As in previous years, about half of the older people receiving home care and about one in ten of the older people in nursing homes took part in the survey entirely unaided. Others had another person, such as a relative, to help them respond to the survey or complete it on their behalf.
You can find the publication here: