Off.Clinic new member of the Humana family
Humana, the market leader in personal assistance and individual and family care, with operations in LSS assisted living, elderly care and preschool/school/short-stay accommodation for children with multiple disabilities, acquires Off.Clinic.
Off.Clinic specialises in sexual behavioural problems and trauma/PTSD, and focuses particularly on young people involved in sexual self-harming. Off.Clinic works in outpatient care throughout the country, with clinics in Malmö and Kristianstad, and runs Visslan residential care home in northern Skåne for boys and girls ages 10 to 18 who are in need of a higher level of protection. The target group in outpatient treatment is in the 0-25 age bracket.
Off.Clinic, which is part of Humana's Individual & Family business area, is a welcome and natural addition to Humana's existing operation, and strengthens Humana in this area.
The take-over is effective immediately and does not involve any changes to operations, management or staff.
“We welcome Off.Clinic as a new member of the Humana family,” says Claus Forum, Business Area Manager, Individual & Family. “Our shared values and common understanding of how to conduct good, productive care operations are something that unites everyone at Humana Individual & Family. We look forward to working with Off.Clinic to develop our areas of operation.”