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  5. Management in acquired companies buy shares in Humana

Management in acquired companies buy shares in Humana

The founders of the KOA Group (Kvæfjord Opplevelse og Avlastning AS) in Norway and Arjessa Oy in Finland, companies recently acquired by Humana AB, are reinvesting part of the consideration in shares in Humana AB. The companies’ founders are together investing a total of SEK 32.5 million in shares of Humana. The investments emphasis the founders’ commitment, long-term view and trust in the common efforts to develop Humana in Norway and Finland.

The founders of the KOA Group and Arjessa are acquiring a total of 407,813 shares of Humana at a price per share of SEK 80. Morten Sørgård, CEO of the KOA Group, is purchasing shares totalling SEK 24 million; co-founder and executive chairman of the KOA Group Karl Aksel Vik is investing in shares for SEK 4 million; and Pasi Kohtala, founder and CEO of Arjessa Oy, is investing SEK 4.6 million. Sellers of the shares are Humana’s Board members Simon Lindfors and Per Granath. Lindfors is selling 375,000 shares and Granath 32,813 shares. After the sale, Lindfors will own 373,504 shares and Granath 3,869,610 shares.

Sørgård, Vik and Kohtala have agreed to assume the obligations of the 360-day lock-up period that Lindfors and Granath had entered into on Humana’s admission to the stock exchange on 22 March 2016.

“Through their investments in Humana, the founders of the KOA Group and Arjessa show a clear ambition and willingness to be involved and engaged in our efforts to develop Humana in Norway and Finland,” says Rasmus Nerman, CEO of Humana. “The decision to reinvest in Humana demonstrates a confidence in the companies’ common opportunities to expand and provide quality care in Norway and Finland”, Rasmus Nerman concludes.  

For more information, please contact:
Ulf Bonnevier, CFO, +46 (0)70-164 73 17, ulf.bonnevier@humana.se
Cecilia Lannebo, Head of Investor Relations, +46 (0)72-220 82 77, cecilia.lannebo@humana.se

The above information is such that Humana AB is required to publish pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act and/or the Securities Market Act. The information will be submitted for publication at 08:00 on 21 June 2016.

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