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  5. New report gives high ratings to Humana’s residential units for elderly

New report gives high ratings to Humana’s residential units for elderly

High ratings for security, personal approach and the possibility of easily coming in contact with personnel when needed, are the result of many initiatives to develop Humana’s ten residences for elderly care. This is shown through a deeper analysis of the National Board of Health and Welfare’s study “Open Comparisons” which was published recently. In several areas the residences have received better reviews compared to last year. The work of further developing Humana’s residences will of course continue. 

–  We have over a long period of time worked systematically in our residences for the elderly to develop our approach towards our customers, which has in its turn had a positive effect in other areas, security for example. When the residents feel safe and secure it has an effect on the personnel as well as giving us a great foundation for improvement work where ever else it is needed, says Eva-Lotta Sandberg, Business Unit Manager for Elderly Care at Humana.

Based on the National Board of Health and Welfare’s yearly survey ”Open Comparisons”, where surveys are sent to all elderly over 65 years of age receiving either home care or living in an special residence for elderly, Humana has done a subanalysis of how their own residences were perceived. Thorough analyses are then conducted from the material. Results show improvements within several areas compared to last year’s results and satisfaction in all areas score higher than the national average.

When it comes to areas that have improved since last year, we see that many of the respondents say that personnel contact the customer proactively if there are temporary changes and also give them the possibility of influencing at what times that help is required. A positive development is the number of respondents who enjoy the communal areas. The manner in which the personnel approach the residents is rated highly, just like in the previous year.  

– in our groups of personnel we continuously speak of improvement areas and give feedback to the residents. I personally think that is one of the reasons that our results have improved in several areas. During 2017 we will analyse in which areas we can become even better with the goal of further increasing customer satisfaction, says Eva-Lotta Sandberg. 


For more information contact Humana:                                                                
Eva-Lotta Sandberg, Business Unit Director, Elderly Care
Tel: 070-733 88 55
E-post: eva-lotta.sandberg@humana.se

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