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  5. Humana’s 2016 Annual Report is available today – long-term sustainable growth in focus

Humana’s 2016 Annual Report is available today – long-term sustainable growth in focus

Humana’s efforts to achieve sustainable growth are based on its four target areas: quality operations, attractive employer, socially responsible provider and long-term, sustainable growth. In everyday municipal life, beyond the debate on the national level, we can conclude that municipal purchasing of private care continues to increase. And they want to work with serious, long-term providers like Humana.

“In the annual report, we present our substantial work with quality and employee issues and how Humana creates public value. Humana’s goal is to continuously grow the business over the long term by consistently improving working practices that provide more care for the money and that meet the needs of our stakeholders,” says Rasmus Nerman, Humana’s CEO.

Humana’s annual report for 2016 is now available in Swedish on the corporate website under the following link: http://corporate.humana.se/sv/finansiell-information/rapporter-presentationer. The English PDF version will be published on the corporate website on 9 May 2017.

Financial calendar 2017: 
Quarterly report January-March          18 May 2017
Annual General Meeting                     18 May 2017
Quarterly report January-June            18 August 2017
Quarterly report January-September   16 November 2017

For more information, please contact:
Cecilia Lannebo, Head of Investor Relations, +46 72-220 82 77, cecilia.lannebo@humana.se

This information is information that Humana AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 08:00 CET on 7 April 2017.