A quarter of growth and consolidation
First quarter: January-March 2017
· Operating revenue amounted to SEK 1,649 M (1,471), an increase of 12% or SEK 178 M.
· Operating profit was SEK 66 M (41 incl. SEK -38 M in IPO costs).
· Net profit after tax for the period was SEK 40 M (-16).
· Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution were SEK 0.76 (-0.82).
· Operating cash flow was SEK -16 M (29).
Events during the first quarter and after the end of the period
· There are no significant events to report for the first quarter or after the end of the quarter.
Presentation of report today at 09:00 CET
To participate in the conference call, and thereby be able to ask questions, please call one of the following numbers:
· SE: +46 8 566 426 93
· UK: +44 203 008 98 02 or
· US: +1 855 753 22 35
The presentation material will be published before the conference starts on Humana’s website, http://corporate.humana.se under Investor Relations.
For further information, please contact:
Rasmus Nerman, President and CEO, +46 70 828 1860, rasmus.nerman@humana.se
(cecilia.lannebo@humana.se)Ulf Bonnevier, CFO, +46 70 164 7317, ulf.bonnevier@humana.se (cecilia.lannebo@humana.se)
Cecilia Lannebo, Head of Investor Relations, +46 72-220 82 77, cecilia.lannebo@humana.se