Humana refocuses in elderly care and disposes of its home care service operations
To focus and strengthen opportunities for future quality improvements and growth, Humana has decided to dispose of its home care service operations. Home care service, which is part of the Elderly Care business area, will be taken over by care provider Attendo during autumn.
Humana, currently a private home care service provider in Sweden, has decided to focus development of operations in the Elderly Care segment on elderly housing and starting up elderly housing units under own management. In order to ensure continued development of operations that benefits Humana’s customers, the company’s staff and the municipalities in which we operate, Humana has agreed to sell its home care service business to Attendo. For Humana it was important to find a serious and long-term provider within home care.
“I see it as positive that our employees have the opportunity to continue to grow and develop in Attendo’s organisation, which has solid experience in home care service. I strongly believe that the operations will be well-run and well-managed for our customers and employees,” says Eva-Lotta Sandberg, Business Area Manager for Humana Elderly Care.
Humana’s home care service operations are currently conducted at 13 locations in Sweden with most located in Linköping and Stockholm. Employees in the business number about 1,100, customers number about 2,100 and revenues amount to about SEK 250 million. Operations are expected to be taken over during autumn after customary review by the Competition Authority, and the sale is expected to have a marginal impact on profit in 2017. It will however allow for increased focus on elderly housing units under own management.
“We are very excited to welcome Humana’s home care service customers and employees to the Attendo family. Together, we will do everything we can to ensure that Attendo’s over 30 years of experience with high quality home care service, provides increased benefits and satisfaction to our customers,” says Ammy Wehlin, Business Area Manager for Attendo Scandinavia Elderly Care.
For more information, please contact Humana:
Eva-Lotta Sandberg, Business Area Manager, Elderly Care, +46 (0)70-733 88 55,
Ulf Bonnevier, CFO, +46 (0)70-164 73 17,
Patrik Silverudd, Press Officer, +46 (0)76-611 21 11, (http://file:///C:\Users\helpha\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary%20Internet%20Files\Content.Outlook\1GIUUOYU\