Humana and Odalen build new elderly housing in Kungsängen
Humana is investing in a fifth elderly housing unit under own management, this time in Kungsängen just outside Stockholm. Construction is being carried out together with partner Odalen Fastigheter. The unit will contain 72 flats spread over four floors with a fifth floor roof terrace. The building will be built at an angle that creates a sheltered courtyard to the west with lots of sun. Occupation is planned for spring/summer 2019.
Humana uses technological solutions in its new housing facilities to create added value for residents: IT to communicate with loved ones, technological innovation to reduce fall injuries and lighting solutions that support biological clocks are just a few examples.
“When you move into one of Humana’s facilities you should feel like you are moving home. Material selection, room design, colours and lighting are important components for well-being and cosiness. We look forward to collaborating with the municipality, its associations and its citizens to create a business that realises Humana’s vision that everyone is entitled to a good life,” says Eva-Lotta Sandberg, Business Area Manager for Humana Elderly Care.
This is the third elderly housing unit where Humana, together with Odalen Fastigheter, is investing in the future of elderly care. Building new elderly housing means major investments, but it’s in line with Humana’s plan to reinvest in innovative operations, according to Sandberg.
“We are pleased to continue our valuable partnership with Humana and to once again build a new, innovative elderly housing unit,” says Alex Mabäcker Johansson, CEO of Odalen Fastigheter.
För mer information, vänligen kontakta:
Humana Omsorg AB
Angelika Strandberg, marknadschef Humana Äldreomsorg
E-post:, Tel: 073-981 99 50
Eva-Lotta Sandberg, affärsområdeschef Humana Äldreomsorg
E-post:, Tel: 070-733 88 55
Odalen Fastigheter AB
Alex Mabäcker Johansson, VD
E-post:, 070-888 18 17