The Nomination Committee’s proposal regarding the Board of Humana for the 2019 AGM
Ahead of the Annual General Meeting 2019 the Nomination Committee of Humana AB has decided to propose Magdalena Gerger and Fredrik Strömholm as new directors of the Board.
The Nomination Committee proposes that the Board be composed of seven directors (unchanged from the current year) elected at the Annual General Meeting, with no alternates, for the period until the next Annual General Meeting.
The Nomination Committee proposes re-election of Per Granath, Kirsi Komi, Monica Lingegård and Lloyd Perry as directors and election of Magdalena Gerger, Sören Mellstig and Fredrik Strömholm as new directors. It was previously announced that Sören Mellstig is proposed to be elected Chairman of the Board (in a separate press release dated 14 February 2019).
The directors Per Båtelson (Chairman), Helen Fasth Gillstedt and Ulrika Östlund have declared that they are not available for re-election.
Magdalena Gerger was born in 1964. Magdalena holds an MBA and a B.Sc. in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics with a major in International Economics at McGill University Montreal. Since 2009 Magdalena has been CEO and President of Systembolaget. From 2005 to 2009 Magdalena was a Senior Vice President at Arla Foods. Prior to 2005, Magdalena held various managerial positions at Futoria AB, Nestle, ICI Paints, Proctor & Gamble and Diageo in the United Kingdom. Magdalena is director of the board of Investor, Ahlsell, Svensk Handel, Institutet för Näringslivsforskning, Save the Children (Stockholm regional chapter) and vice Chairman of the Business Executive Council of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Fredrik Strömholm was born in 1965. Fredrik holds an M.Sc. in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics, with a major in finance at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales in France. He has also studied French, Russian and East European history at the universities of Uppsala and Stockholm. Fredrik was one of the founders of Impilo in 2016 and is chairman of its investment committee. Prior to founding Impilo, Fredrik was a partner and founder at Altor Equity Partners for 14 years, a managing director at Goldman Sachs International and an investment manager at Nordic Capital. Fredrik is a director of the board of Ferrosan Medical Devices, NutraQ, Cavidi, Ortic 3D and chairman of the boards of Immedica and Natur and Kultur.
The Nomination Committee prior to the 2019 AGM comprises the following members: Lloyd Perry, appointed by Argan Capital (through the company Air Syndication SCA), Chair of the Committee, Alexander Kopp, appointed by Incentive AS, Katarina Hammar, appointed by Nordea Funds Ltd, Sven-Erik Zachrisson, appointed by Zirkona AB and Per Båtelson, Humana’s Chairman of the Board.
The Nomination Committee’s other proposals for the AGM on May 9, 2019 and the statement on the proposed Board will be available on the company’s website in connection with the publishing of the notice convening the AGM.
For more information, please contact:
Lloyd Perry, Chair of the Nomination Committee, +44 7971 876 310,
Anna Sönne, Head of Investor Relations, +46 70 601 48 53,