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  5. Humana sharpens quality work - to strengthen operations and prevent serious incidents

Humana sharpens quality work - to strengthen operations and prevent serious incidents

The care company Humana AB introduces a new and improved quality index (Humana Quality Index). The groupwide new index incorporates an additional range of relevant measurement areas  to cover further important aspects of how we conduct care. The purpose is to strengthen Humana's operations, prevent serious incidents, and provide added value to our clients. 

– As one of the largest care providers in the Nordics, we have an obligation to strive towards an increased standard in the care sector. To achieve this, we need to sharpen our quality work further and therefore we invest in more research, analysis and follow-up. The new quality index is an important part of our development work, says Johanna Rastad, President and CEO of Humana. 
– Measuring does not in itself provide improvement, but it is an absolute prerequisite for knowing where improvements are needed. With the new Humana Quality index we are taking a big step in the right direction. The new index makes it possible to get closer to the results for the individual and eventually we can produce more performance measures, which is an important purpose of this change, says Humana's Quality Director Eva Nilsson Bågenholm. 
Since 2017, Humana has measured and reported quality according to our own quality model and own quality index; Human Quality Index, HQI. The introduction of HQI has been of great value to Humana as it has provided an opportunity to follow up on the quality of care. In order to further sharpen the quality follow-up and improve the efforts for the individual, Humana's quality organisation has during the past year developed a new HQI that includes more and better indicators. 
The new HQI consists of twelve indicators (compared to seven previously) and thus covers more aspects. All the indicators reflect relevant and critical parts of the quality work and together they give a good picture of the quality in the operations. The new index will be introduced in the first quarter of 2022. 
Here you can read more about Humana's quality work and the new index (HQI):  
For more information please contact:   
Patrik Silverudd, pressmanager Humana 
+46 766-112 111 

This is what Humana Quality Index (HQI) measures:

|What we want to achieve |What we measure     |
|(purpose)     | |
|1. Satisfied customers and |Customer satisfaction index  |
|clients  | |
|2. Proper support, care or |Percentage of individual plans |
|treatment to customers and |followed up  |
|clients  | |
|3. A safe service delivered   |Number of critical deviations |
| |reported to authority  |
|4. Delivery in accordance with|Percentage of inspections from |
|legislation   |authorities with serious remarks  |
|5.  Ensuring systematic |Percentage of repeated deviations  |
|learning  | |
|6. Proper handling of personal|Percentage of personal data |
|data  |incidents reported to authorities  |
|7. Satisfied employees   | Employee satisfaction index  |
|8. Employee wellbeing and |Sick leave rate  |
|health  | |
|9.  Safe working environment  |Number of incidents and occupational|
| |injuries reported to authorities  |
|10.  Continuous skills |Percentage of employees having |
|development   |completed training in the learning |
| |portal  |
|11.  High quality education   | Qualitative follow-up of each |
| |training  |
|12. Employees contribute to | Number of improvement proposals  |
|business development   | |

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