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Humana reports third quarter and nine-month 2022 results

Continuous improvements and profitable growth

Third quarter, July–September 2022

· Operating revenue amounted to SEK 2,373 million (2,034), an increase of 16.7 percent mainly due to acquisitions in Sweden and Finland from prior periods, but also higher occupancy in underlying operations.
· Organic growth was 4.0 percent (3.0). All business areas, except Personal Assistance, are contributing. The largest contribution came from Elderly Care and Individual & Family.
· Operating profit amounted to SEK 171m (192), a decrease of 10.9 percent. The decrease is mainly due to increased cost from inflation totalling approximately SEK 11m and continuous shortage of staff. Adjusted for non-recurring costs for adaptation of central functions, operating profit amounted to SEK 175m (192).
· Net profit after tax for the period amounted to SEK 104m (123).
· Basic and diluted earnings per share for the period amounted to SEK 2.17 (2.55).
· Cash flow for the period amounted to SEK -75m (-42). Operating cash flow amounted to SEK 124m (180), a decrease of 31.3 percent attributable to lower result and working capital tied up related to acquisitions and investments in new units.

Nine-month period, January–September 2022

· Operating revenue was SEK 6,761m (6,078), an increase of 11.2 percent. Organic growth was 2.6 percent.
· Operating profit amounted to SEK 312m (411), a decline of 24.1 percent. Adjusted operating profit amounted to SEK 316m (411).
· Net profit after tax for the period amounted to SEK 150m (243).
· Basic and diluted earnings per share for the period amounted to SEK 3.13 (4.99).
· Cash flow in the nine-month period amounted to SEK -125m (-106). Operating cash flow amounted to SEK 475m (627).

President and CEO Johanna Rastad comments on the quarter

”Humana is continuing its sequentially positive development relating to growth, profit improvement and quality initiatives. We are taking a major step forward in terms of better conveying our contribution to society by presenting social outcome measurements for Individual & Family care in Sweden. Despite continuous shortage of staff, it is pleasing to see that we manage to increase occupancy in our operations.”

Read the full comment in the report.

Conference call

A web-based teleconference will be held on 10 November 2022 at 09:00 CET at which President and CEO Johanna Rastad will present the report and answer questions. To participate, call:

SE: +46 8 5051 63 86
UK: +44 20 3198 4884
US: +1 412 3176 6300

Enter pin code:  1980082#

This information is information that Humana AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out below, on 10 November 2022 at 08:00 CET

For more information, please contact:

Andreas Westund
Interim CFO
070 712 30 20, andreas.westlund@humana.se
Ewelina Pettersson 
Ansvarig investerarrelationer 
073 074 79 12, ewelina.pettersson@humana.se

Humana is a leading Nordic care company providing services within individual and family care, personal assistance, elderly care and special service housing in accordance with LSS. Humana has 16,000 employees in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark providing care for 9,000 individuals and working to achieve the vision “Everyone is entitled to a good life”. In 2020, Humana’s operating revenue was SEK 7,797m. Humana is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and the company’s headquarters are located in Stockholm. Read more about Humana on: http://humanagroup.com/