Report from the Annual General Meeting of Humana AB held on May 9, 2023
Report from the Annual General Meeting of Humana AB held on May 9, 2023
Humana AB held its annual general meeting on Tuesday, May 9, 2023. The main resolutions passed at the meeting were as follows.
More detailed information about the contents of the resolutions may be obtained from the complete notice of the annual general meeting and the complete proposals. The notice and complete proposals are available on the company’s website,
Adoption of balance sheets and profit and loss accounts
It was resolved to adopt the profit and loss account and balance sheet, as well
as the consolidated profit and loss account and consolidated balance sheet for the financial year 2022.
Allocations of the company’s results
It was resolved, in accordance with the board’s proposal, that the distributable profit of SEK 1,498,546,845 be fully balanced in a new account.
Discharge from liability
The meeting discharged the directors and the CEO from liability towards the company for the financial year 2022.
Directors and auditors
The AGM decided on Monica Lingegård, Anders Nyberg and Fredrik Strömholm shall be re-elected and also decided on new election of Grethe Aasved, Carolina Oscarius Dahl, Leena Munter and Ralph Riber as directors for the period until the end of the annual general meeting 2024.
Anders Nyberg was elected chair of the board.
The registered audit firm KPMG AB was reappointed auditor of the company.
Fees to the directors were resolved at the meeting in accordance with the following: SEK 725 000 for the chair of the board, and SEK 260 000 each for other directors elected by the general meeting. In addition, SEK 120 000 is payable to the chair of the audit committee, SEK 50 000 each to other members of the audit committee, and SEK 90 000 to the chair of the remuneration committee and SEK 40 000 to each other member of the remuneration committee.
It was resolved that fees would be paid to the auditor in accordance with approved invoices.
Remuneration report
It was resolved, in accordance with the board’s proposal, to approve the remuneration report.
Issue authorisation
It was resolved, in accordance with the board’s proposal, to authorise the board to, on one or more occasions until the next annual general meeting, issue new shares. Issue can be decided with or without regard to shareholders’ pre-emption rights. On the strength of the authorisation the board may resolve to issue a number of new shares not exceeding ten per cent of the total number of outstanding shares in the company at the time of the authorisation resolution.
The authorisation includes the right to resolve that shares will be issued against cash payment, payment in kind or payment by way of set-off and the issue may otherwise be subject to conditions as set out in Chapter 2, section 5, second paragraph, 1-3 and 5 of the Companies Act.
For more information, please contact:
Ewelina Pettersson, Investor relations manager, +46 73 074 79 12,