
Humana's polices

Humana has a number of policies that guide us in our work: overarching policies that include Humana's Code of Conduct and the values and principles that should govern the business, rules of procedure, and governing documents and policies where Humana's internal rules and processes are gathered.

Code of Conduct and overarching policies

Humana has three overarching policies that encompass Humana's values and principles for operations. These overarching policies consist of:

  • Code of Conduct and our values
  • Remuneration policy
  • Dividend Policy

Rules of procedure

Humana also has rules of procedure for Humana's governing bodies. These are:

  • Rules of procedure for the Board of Directors
  • Instructions for the CEO
  • Policies for the Board's committees, i.e. for the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee

Governing documents

Humana's internal rules and processes are collected in Humana's governing documents. These govern our operations and support Humana in working in accordance with our values and principles and in achieving our goals in a desired and effective manner. The governing documents apply to all Humana's operations and consist of:

  • Finance Policy
  • IT policy
  • Communication policy (including instructions for stock market information)
  • Insider policy
  • Financial handbook
  • Policies related to human resources, such as pay policy, equal opportunities policy and car policy

In addition to the governing policies described above, which apply to the entire Group, each business area within Humana also has governing documents that apply to their respective operations.

Sustainability policies

Humana has identified six sustainability areas that are the most relevant to us from a sustainability perspective and based on the fact that Humana is a company that provides care with people in focus. Within each of our six sustainability areas, we describe our approach and objectives in a policy. Our six sustainability areas are (a couple of them are also mentioned above):