Environmental policy
1. Background and purpose
Humana is one of the largest care companies in the Nordics and our vision is "Everyone is entitled to a good life". The work with care and social care carried out within Humana is of great benefit to society. At the same time, there are methods and materials in our operations that can cause environmental harm in the form of, for example, emissions, resource consumption and waste. Humana's environmental work shall ensure that we minimize our direct and indirect negative impact on the environment, without sacrificing our main task.
Managing climate change is our most material environmental topic. Climate change, in turn, is divided into Humana's climate impact on the outside world and Humana's preparedness to cope with the effects of climate change. Climate change management shall be managed using this policy and any related instructions.
When it comes to other environmental perspectives, Humana has a responsibility to also work to minimize our negative environmental impact over time, for example related to bio-diversity and water resources. This work takes place based on relevance within each Humana country's organisation and operations.
The purpose of this policy is to describe the principles for and management of Humana's environmental work.
2. Scope
The policy covers all parts of and all employees in the Humana Group.
3. Main principles
Humana considers laws, regulations and other requirements as a minimum in our environmental work. We shall also work systematically to analyze and act on the demands and expectations set by our stakeholders, which include customers and clients, relatives, clients, employees, owners and investors.
We want Humana to be a responsible social actor, and therein lies the fact that we also have responsible environmental work. The work shall be based on gradual improvement of the business and rests on two main principles:
- The exchange principle means that inferior technology, environmentally harmful approaches and environmentally hazardous substances shall be continuously replaced by more resource-efficient technology and environmentally friendly methods and substances.
- The precautionary principle aims to avoid activities or products that may be dangerous to the environment without full proof that it is dangerous.
5. Strategies and goals to minimize direct and indirect climate impact
Humana's direct climate impact arises above all as a result of car transport within the business and heating of the residences. Indirectly, the impact takes place especially in relation to the development, use and maintenance of properties as well as as a result of travel and the purchase and consumption of food, disposable products and IT, among other things.
Humana shall work to minimize its operations' climate impact with the goal of reducing the company's greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement. Our target is scientifically based and consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial times.
Humana's climate impact shall be reduced through work based on three main strategies:
- Responsible purchasing
- Minimized consumption
- Minimized waste
4.1 Responsible purchases
Humana's purchases shall be made with consideration for sustainability aspects, both environmental, social and financial. This means that in the ongoing purchasing work we shall:
- Set and assess environmental requirements for suppliers and contractors and, where possible, we shall choose products and services with a lower environmental and climate impact.
- Consistently switch to renewable resources, for example by signing electricity contracts with electricity from renewable energy sources and gradually switch to vehicles powered by renewable fuels.
- Increase the use of organic or locally produced foods where possible.
4.2 Minimized consumption
Humana can also minimize its climate impact by increasing resource efficiency and minimizing resource consumption in operations. This is done, among other things, by:
- Increasing environmental knowledge and commitment among employees through ongoing training and the dissemination of good examples.
- Managing materials and resources, including water and energy.
- Phasing out or minimizing the use of environmentally and health hazardous materials, including chemicals.
- Minimizing the use of disposable products where possible.
- Collaborating with our property owners and setting requirements for energy performance in new construction and major remodeling.
- Reducing the environmental impact of transport by avoiding unnecessary transport, developing digital working methods, as well as prioritizing travel by train over air and car.
- Following the IT strategy to reduce energy consumption and climate footprint in relation to IT purchases and use.
4.3 Minimized waste
Consumption taking place in Humana’s operations leads to various forms of waste, above all food waste and residual waste, which also means an impact on the climate. All Humana's waste shall be handled according to the principles of the waste ladder, which in short means: minimize, reuse, recycle, extract energy and deposit the waste. The responsibility for waste being handled and disposed of correctly lies with the individual operations within Humana.
In practice, this means that the businesses shall:
- Take measures to prevent unnecessary waste, including food waste.
- Ensure that waste is sorted.
- Allow residual products to create benefit, including food waste.
5. Strategies and goals for creating preparedness for the effects of climate change
Climate change is expected to have physical effects on our society, for example that some regions may be hit more often by major storms and torrential rains while other regions are hit by extreme heat waves and droughts. The consequences for Humana's operations of such events can, for example, concern interruptions in access to electricity, heat and/or water, difficulty for personnel to get to work or around in the operations, lack of food supplies, and cause physical and mental suffering for customers and clients. Overall, it could have a negative impact on the quality of care services.
To reduce the risk of this, Humana shall create preparedness by:
- Carrying out regular risk analyses and developing action plans to ensure that in the event of extreme weather events and natural disasters, we can minimize interruptions and inconveniences to our operations.
- Taking measures to reduce physical and psychological suffering from climate effects on our particularly vulnerable customers and clients, for example by installing cooling in our nursing homes.
- Ensuring the necessary emergency stocks to secure access to heat, water, food, medicine, etc. in the event of major interruptions.
6. Management of other environmental issues
In addition to handling climate impact, which is Humana's most material environmental topic, there are additional environmental aspects that we also have a responsibility to minimize the negative effects of, for example reducing water consumption and counteracting the loss of biodiversity (which in practice means, for example, that we shall ensure that we do not build in areas that will affect nature in a way that damages biodiversity). Decisions shall be taken based on situationally adapted materiality assessments and actions be guided by local instructions and routines.
7. Environmental certifications
Humana's environmental work shall meet the expectations and demands of external stakeholders. This often means that designated parts within Humana shall be covered by recognized environmental management systems, for example ISO 14001, Miljøfyrtårn (Eco-lighthouse), EMAS or equivalent, which means that the environmental management system must live up to certain requirements regarding, for example, structure, organization and processes in order to be able to plan, implement, follow up and improve ongoing environmental work. Parts of Humana's operations are environmentally certified according to ISO 14001 or Miljøfyrtårn (Eco-Lighthouse). This means that they have an approved environmental management system that has been certified by a specially appointed independent auditor.
8. Roles and responsibilities
A prerequisite for effective environmental work is clear responsibility and decision-making functions. Responsibility for Humana's environmental work is distributed as follows:
8.1 The Board of Directors of Humana AB
Humana's board is responsible for ensuring that the Group has appropriate sustainability work, including required policies and governing documents for environmental work. The board shall at least at one meeting per year deal with compliance with the policy; review this policy and suggest any changes; and process and approve the annual sustainability report.
8.2 Group CEO
Humana's Group CEO is responsible for ensuring that there is an environmental policy that is adapted to the Group's operations and that establishes Humana's goals and direction for the Group's environmental work. The CEO is also responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient resources and knowledge in the Group to be able to carry out effective environmental work. The CEO informs the board about the policy and reports on follow-up and results at least annually.
8.3 Country managers
Humana's country managers are responsible for the implementation of the policy in their respective organizations, including ensuring that material data for the country to be included in the sustainability statement can be collected and reported. Each country shall also appoint a person who is responsible for ongoing environmental issues and coordination with the other countries through the Group's sustainability group.
8.4 Sustainabilty manager
Humana's sustainability manager is responsible for developing and coordinating the Group's sustainability work and supporting the Country managers in the implementation of this policy, including offering training and spreading knowledge and good examples. The Sustainability manager also leads the work in the Group's sustainability group, prepares proposals for decisions in group executive management and coordinates the work with the Group's sustainability reporting.
8.5 Managers for individual operations
Managers responsible for individual operations shall ensure that their employees take note of and work according to the principles in this policy. In addition, the person responsible for the operation also ensures that the employees have access to specific instructions, routines and other forms of practical guidance and training that they need as support in their daily environmental work.
8.6 Employees in the Group
Humana's employees are responsible for following this policy and actively working to contribute to Humana achieving its environmental goals. The many small everyday environmental measures are at least as important as major changes. All employees shall undergo the company's digital sustainability training and are also encouraged to stay up-to-date and seek the knowledge they need in order to contribute to the group's environmental work.
9. Continuous improvements and possible deviations
All employees are encouraged to highlight good ideas and suggestions for improvements in the environmental area and to draw attention to possible deviations or shortcomings in the environmental work. This can be done to the immediate manager or in channels intended for deviation reporting.
10. Follow-up and evaluation
Group CEO is ultimately responsible for following up on this policy and that the outcome is reported to the board at least annually. The Sustainability manager is responsible for ensuring that the environmental policy is reviewed at least annually, and updated if necessary.
11. Other relevant governing documents and instructions
Each country within the Humana Group is responsible for ensuring that there are relevant governing documents and instructions that regulate work with environmental issues within each country's operations.
The policy was approved by the Board of Directors of Humana AB on 16 May 2024.
Translated from Swedish. In case of any discrepancies between the Swedish text and the English translation, the Swedish text shall prevail.