Work environment policy
1. Background and purpose
Humana is one of the largest care companies in the Nordics and our vision is "Everyone is entitled to a good life". Our employees are the heart of our business and we put their health and safety first. Our workplaces are spread geographically and most people at Humana work in one of our hundreds of care units, others in an office environment. The assistance customers' homes are the workplace for Humana’s personal assistants.
For many professionals in care and social work, the risk of stress injuries, threats and violence, as well as contagion, is higher than for other groups. Creating a work environment that is safe and promotes physical and mental health, well-being and security is therefore a high-priority work area for Humana and one of the company's essential sustainability issues. The purpose of this policy is to describe the principles for and governance of work environment management.
2. Scope
The policy covers all parts of and all employees in the Humana Group. It also applies to external parties who have entered into an agreement with Humana which includes work environment responsibility.
3. Definitions
By work environment we mean all conditions at our workplaces, social and organisational, physical and digital.
4. Main principles
Humana considers laws, regulations and other requirements as a minimum level in work environment management. We shall also work systematically to analyze and act on the demands and expectations that our employees, customers, clients, investors and other stakeholders place on us.
Our work environment management shall be based on the following principles:
- We strive for a work environment that promotes safety, physical and mental health, well-being and security for all employees.
- We regard work environment work as a joint responsibility and work in collaboration with union partners, safety representatives and employees, to prevent ill health, accidents and work-related problems.
- We carry out work environment management systematically through investigations, risk assessments, measures and follow-up.
- We regard work environment work as a natural part of everyday work and use it as a basis for planning and decision-making.
- Humana's work environment management shall be managed with the help of this policy and related guidelines, routines and associated documents for the respective countries and business areas within Humana.
5. Goals for Humana's work environment management
Humana's work environment management must reduce the likelihood of work environment risks arising or limit the impact and consequences of the risks if they actually occur. To prevent work-related ill health or injury among our employees, Humana works with the following goals:
- Increase knowledge and awareness of work environment issues, for example by offering training and information to managers and employees and by sharing knowledge and good examples between operations.
- Reduce the number of work-related accidents and injuries by working preventively with the work environment, for example through regular risk assessments in the form of annual safety rounds and handling of reported accidents and work injuries.
- Reduce sick leave and increase healthy attendance by promoting a healthy work environment and promoting employees’ health, for example through wellness allowances and conducting a continuous improvement work through evaluation of the systematic work environment work.
Based on these overall goals and this work environment policy, each country and business area within Humana shall design business-specific work environment goals and associated measures.
6. Occupational health and safety management and occupational injury management systems
Humana has systems in place for occupational health and safety management and for the management of incidents and occupational injuries, that cover all operations.
7. Roles and responsibilities
A prerequisite for effective work environment management is clear responsibility and decision-making functions.
The main principle is that each legal entity (“company”) within the Humana Group is responsible for the work environment of the employees employed by respective company. Respective company management thus has the strict responsibility for the work environment and is responsible for compliance with the work environment legislation within the respective company. Each company's board, and in turn the CEO, distributes work environment tasks to his/her immediate subordinate managers, who in turn distribute work environment tasks to his/her immediate subordinate managers and so on.
From a group-wide perspective, work environment work within Humana is organized as follows:
7.1 The Board of Directors of Humana AB
Humana's board shall ensure that the Group has appropriate work environment management, including the required policies and governing documents for work environment management. The board shall address compliance with the policy at least one meeting per year, review this policy and suggest any changes.
7.2 Group CEO
Humana's Group CEO shall ensure that Humana has an overarching work environment policy that is adapted to the Group's operations and that establishes Humana's goals and direction for the Group's work environment management. Group CEO shall also ensure that there are sufficient resources and knowledge in the Group to be able to carry out effective work environment management. The Group CEO informs the board about the policy and reports on follow-up and results at least annually.
7.3 Country managers and business area managers
Humana's country managers and business area managers shall ensure that the policy is implemented in their respective countries and business areas, and that essential data from the countries and business areas that are to be included in the consolidated sustainability statements, can be collected and reported. The responsibilities of the country managers and business area managers coincide in practice in their entirety with that of company management as described below in 7.4.
7.4 Company management in Humana's subsidiaries and managers of individual operations
The company management of Humana's subsidiaries and managers with distributed work environment duties must ensure that work environment legislation is complied with and that the employees take part in and work according to the principles in this policy. They must also ensure that the required work environment work takes place in the operations, for example by giving the employees access to specific instructions, routines and other forms of practical guidance and training that they need as support in the daily work environment work.
7.5 HR
HR is responsible for increased knowledge and awareness of work environment issues by offering training and information to managers and employees. HR is also responsible for monitoring changes in work environment legislation that may affect Humana's operations, as well as establishing and revising routines relating to the work environment in each business area.
7.6 Employees in the group
Humana's employees are responsible for following this policy and actively working to contribute to a good work environment at Humana. Every employee has a responsibility to participate actively in Humana's systematic work environment work, follow routines and instructions and pay attention to possible risks in the work environment. The employees are also responsible for contributing to a positive work environment, by following Humana's Code of Conduct and core values.
8. Improvements and deviations
All employees shall report any shortcomings and deviations in the work environment that they have noted. Good ideas and suggestions for improvements in the work environment area are also encouraged to be raised. Reporting is done in channels intended for deviation reporting or to the immediate manager.
Managers with distributed work environment duties are responsible for reporting serious accidents and serious work injuries to the Swedish Work Environment Authority (or to the corresponding authorities in Norway and Finland). Handling of deviations and comments is done according to routines that apply to each country and business area.
9. Follow-up and evaluation
The Group CEO is ultimately responsible for following up on this policy and that the outcome is reported to the board at least annually. The HR Director is responsible for ensuring that the work environment policy is reviewed at least annually, and updated if necessary.
10. Other relevant governing documents and instructions
Each country and business area within Humana is responsible for having relevant governing documents and routines in place that regulate the operational work within the respective organisational unit. This applies to all work environment-related processes, such as safety patrols, work adjustment, accidents and work injuries.
The policy was approved by the Board of Directors of Humana AB on 16 May 2024.
Translated from Swedish. In case of any discrepancies between the Swedish text and the English translation, the Swedish text shall prevail.