
GDPR at Humana

At Humana, we want you to feel safe with how we process your personal data. We have therefore gathered information about our personal data processing in this privacy policy.

We have grouped the information under a number of headings to make it easy for you to find the sections that interest you.

You should be careful about what personal data you share in different contexts. Therefore, only share information that is relevant.

Our processing of personal data

Personal data is information that can be linked to you as an individual. It can, for example, be your name, your social security number, your telephone number, your home address, your e-mail address, journal or case notes about you or your IP address.

We process personal data when we, for example, collect, record, store and transfer personal data.

When we process your personal data, we comply with applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679), GDPR. It sets out rules on when and how your personal data may be processed and what rights you have when we process your personal data.

Within Humana, it is Humana Holding AB and/or the company within Humana with which you have a relationship, such as the company with which you have a contract or with which you have had contact, that is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

Here you can see in more detail which companies are responsible for personal data within Humana (In Swedish). External link.

You can always get in touch with the data controller/companies responsible for the processing of your personal data by contacting us.

When two companies within Humana jointly decide why and how to process your personal data, they are joint controllers. This means that they are jointly responsible for ensuring that the processing of your personal data meets all legal requirements.

In the sections below you will find information on how we process your data in different situations.

Where we process your personal data to enter into or perform a contract, you need to provide us with the personal data in order for us to fulfill our contractual obligations to you.

Sometimes we need to process your personal data because of a legal obligation, for example to fulfill our accounting obligations, and even in these cases you need to provide us with the personal data to enable us to act in accordance with the law.

In some cases, we process your personal data when, after a balancing of interests, we have concluded that our interests in processing your personal data, or general societal interests, outweigh your interests in not having your personal data processed. In such cases, you have the right to receive information about how we made the assessment and to object to the processing by contacting us.

We process sensitive personal data about you:

  • When it is necessary for reasons of employment law or in the social field
  • When you have made the data public yourself
  • When it is necessary for us to provide health or social care
  • If it would be necessary in the context of a legal dispute
  • When we have your explicit consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources

  • Yourself
  • Your family member/relative and, if applicable, from your guardian or trustee and/or contact person
  • The assistance agency
  • Employee of Humana
Why do we process your personal data?What types of personal data do we process?What is our legal basis for processing your personal data?How long do we keep your personal data?
To contact you and offer our services
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, phone number and email.
  • Language of communication
Humana's legitimate interest in offering its social care servicesIf you are interested in our services, we will save your personal data in order to possibly conclude a contract with you. If you are not interested, we will delete the data after you have been contacted.
To keep your data for contacting you and marketing our services if you have consented to thisSee aboveYour explicit consentDuring the time the consent is valid. The data is deleted when the consent is not valid or is withdrawn
To handle your expression of interest in becoming a Humana customer
  • Your name
  • Personal identification number
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Your language
  • Gender
The processing is necessary to prepare a future contract with youHumana processes your personal data during the preparation of the contract
To make an assessment of whether we can undertake the assignment to perform your personal assistance, or help you apply for personal assistance
  • Your name
  • Personal identification number
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail.
  • Language of the person
  • Gender
  • Health information
  • Services granted
The processing is necessary to prepare a future contract with you and to perform our task in social care.

Humana processes your personal data during the preparation of the contract

Here you will find information for those who receive social care and/or health care services within Humana's operations. This includes ongoing and completed assignments. The information applies, for example, to those who:

  • Live in a nursing home
  • Are young people in supported housing, HVB homes, family homes, treatment homes, in outpatient care, homes under LSS, etc.
  • Are an adult living in special housing, short-term accommodation, HVB homes, or receiving services under LSS (such as daily activities)
  • Is an assistance recipient

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources:

  • Yourself
  • Your relatives/relatives and your guardian or trustee and/or contact person (if you have one)
  • Your caregivers
  • The contracting authority
  • Your daily activities, school, leisure activities, etc.
  • Your probation authority (if applicable)
Why do we process your personal data?What types of personal data do we process?What is our legal basis for processing your personal data?How long do we keep your personal data?
To prepare health and social care assignments
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, phone number and email
  • Personal identification number
  • Health information
  • Social situation
The processing is necessary for the performance of our public interest task of providing health/social care and for reasons related to the management of these services.
For assistance customers, the processing is also necessary for us to be able to enter into and fulfill our obligations under the agreement with you.
Humana processes your personal data throughout the time you are a customer with us and as long as we are required to save your data by law.Under the Social Services Act, for example, this is two years.
In order to provide care to you, and to follow up on the care you have received
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Personal identity number
  • Living situation
  • Health information
  • Social situation
  • Services provided
  • Your experience of your health and/or social care
The processing is necessary for the performance of our public interest task of providing health/social care and for reasons related to the management of these services.For assistance customers, the processing is also necessary for us to be able to enter into and fulfill our obligations under the agreement with you.Humana processes your personal data for as long as it is necessary according to the Patient Data Act, the Social Services Act, the Act on the Processing of Personal Data in Social Services and the Health Care Act.For example, according to the Patient Data Act, data in a medical record must be retained for at least ten years after the last information was entered in the document.
In order to fulfill our legal obligations related to the care we provide to you (for example, the obligation to keep records and our obligation to disclose information to authorities in connection with supervision)
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and email
  • Personal identification number
  • Living situation
  • Health information
  • Social situation
  • Services provided
The processing is necessary in order for us to fulfill our legal obligations, which is required in order for us to provide health care/social care and for reasons related to the management of these services.Humana processes your personal data as long as we have a legal obligation to do so under, among other things, the Patient Data Act, the Social Services Act, the Act on the Processing of Personal Data in Social Services and the Health Care Act.For example, under the Patient Data Act, data in a medical record must be retained for at least ten years after the last information was entered in the record.
For invoicing purposes
  • Name of the patient
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and email
  • Bank account information
  • Invoice and payment history related to your care and/or treatment
The processing is necessary for us to fulfill our obligations under our agreement.Information is stored in accordance with the Accounting Act for seven years after the end of the year in which the transaction was carried out.
To follow up the care and treatment you receive.
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Living situation
  • Health information
  • Services provided
  • Your experience of your care and/or treatment
  • Social situation
The processing is necessary for the performance of our public interest task of providing health and social care and for reasons related to the management of these servicesHumana processes your personal data as long as we have a legal obligation to do so under, among other things, the Patient Data Act, the Social Services Act and the Health Care Act.For example, according to the Patient Data Act, information in a medical record must be retained for at least ten (10) years after the last information was entered into the record.
To communicate with your relatives and inform them about your everyday life and our activities
  • Name of the person
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Living situation
  • Activity information
  • Social situation
  • Who are your relatives
Humana and your relatives have a legitimate interest in your relatives being informed about your everyday life and our activities.Humana processes your personal data throughout the time you are a customer with us.However, we will stop the processing earlier if you object to it and your interests outweigh our or your relatives' interest in carrying out the processing.
In order to fulfill our legal obligations under, for example, the Accounting Act and to comply with judgments or decisions by authorities
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Bank account information
  • Invoice and payment history related to your care and/or treatment
  • Information that we are obliged to disclose under a court order or government decision.
The processing is necessary for us to fulfill our legal obligations.Humana processes your personal data as long as we have a legal obligation to do so.
For example, information is stored according to the Accounting Act for seven years after the end of the year in which the transaction was carried out.
In order for us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Personal identification number
  • Health data
  • Information about the event(s) that can be linked to you and that form the basis of the claim
  • Information on who is your guardian/legal representative and/or trustee
The processing is necessary for our legitimate interest to establish, exercise or defend ourselves against legal claims.The data is stored for the time required for Humana to be able to investigate the claim and take any action.
In order for us to be able to report suspected crimes (where it does not violate statutory confidentiality)
  • Name of the person
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and email
  • Personal identification number
  • Health information
  • Information about the event(s) that can be linked to you and that form the basis for the action
  • Any suspicion of crime
  • Information on who is your guardian/legal representative and/or trustee
The processing is necessary for our legitimate interest in reporting crimes and for the police to establish legal claims.The data is stored for the time required for Humana to be able to establish and complete a report of a crime and until the law enforcement authorities have made a decision on the investigation or have completed the case.
For marketing in digital channels such as search engine marketing, social media and banner advertising
  • Name of the person
  • Your address
  • Your activity on our website
The processing is based on our legitimate interest in being able to market our businessInformation is stored for up to two years from the time of collection.

This information is addressed to you who are about to become, are or have been enrolled in one of Humana's schools.

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources:

  • Yourself
  • Your guardian, relative and contact person
  • Your care provider
  • Your municipality
Why do we process your personal data?What types of personal data do we process?What is our legal basis for processing your personal data?How long do we keep your personal data?
To prepare and complete your enrollment as a student.
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Personal identification number
  • Information from educational, social, medical and psychological assessment
  • Information about the guardian and their contact details
The processing is necessary to fulfill our task of public interest to provide education under the Education ActThe data is deleted when it is no longer relevant, but no later than one year after the end of the education.
An investigation into the need for special support is stored for ten years after the investigation is completed.
To decide on and issue grades and keep a grade catalog
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Personal identity number
  • Grades and grade-based study results and assessments that are linked to these
The processing is necessary in order for us to comply with our legal obligations under the Education ActHumana processes your personal data as long as we have a legal obligation to do so under the Education Act.
Grades and grading documents are processed for ten years after the student has left school.
National tests are saved for three years after they are written. The tests are then deleted in accordance with the Education Act and the Swedish National Agency for Education's regulations.
In order for us to be able to carry out measures such as investigations and make disciplinary decisions
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Personal identity number
  • Information about the event or events that can be linked to you and which form the basis for the measure
The processing is necessary in order for us to comply with our legal obligations under the Education Act.Decisions and investigations on disciplinary measures are deleted at the end of the school year.Reports or investigations of abusive treatment are stored for five years.Decisions and investigations of complaints against education are stored for five years.
In order to conduct teaching
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Personal identification number
  • Study results
  • Data on study attendance
  • User ID for digital connection
The processing is necessary for the fulfillment of our public interest task supported by law (the Education Act)The data is deleted when it is no longer relevant, but no later than one (1) year after the end of the education
To be able to provide information to you and your guardian
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Information about your guardian and their contact details
The processing is necessary to fulfill our task of public interest that is supported by law (the Education Act)The data is deleted when it is no longer relevant, but no later than one year after the end of the education.
To conduct school health care, for example to keep patient records
  • Name and address
  • Personal identity number
  • Health data
The processing is necessary for the performance of our public interest task of providing health services and for reasons related to the management of these services.According to the Patient Data Act, data in a medical record must be retained for at least ten years after the last entry in the record.
To enable us to carry out performance monitoring and systematic quality work
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Study results
  • Any comments you may have on the activities
The processing is necessary to fulfill our task of public interest that is supported by law (the Education Act)The data is deleted when it is no longer relevant, but no later than one year after completion of the education
In order for us to be able to apply for financial support for our activities from your municipality
  • Name and address
  • Personal identity number
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
The processing is necessary for the fulfillment of our task of public interest that is supported by law (the Education Act)The data is deleted when it is no longer relevant, but no later than one year after the end of the education
In order to fulfill our legal obligations under, for example, the Accounting Act and to comply with judgments or decisions by authorities
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Information about guardians and their contact details
  • Information about the event(s) that can be linked to you and that form the basis for the action
  • Possible suspicion of a crime
The processing is necessary to fulfill our legal obligations under, among other things, the Education Act and the Accounting ActHumana processes your personal data as long as we have a legal obligation to do so.For example, information is saved according to the Accounting Act for seven years after the end of the year in which the transaction was carried out.
In order to fulfill our legal obligations when we conduct education such as preparing notifications of concern or providing information to authorities in connection with supervision
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Personal identification number
  • Health information
  • School health care interventions carried out
  • Information about the event(s) that can be linked to you and on which the action is based
  • Information about your guardian/relative/legal representative and/or trustee
  • Information on your social situation
The processing is necessary to fulfill our legal obligations under, among other things, the Education Act and the Social Services Act, which is required for us to fulfill our task of general interest.Humana processes your personal data as long as we have a legal obligation to do so.For example, according to the Patient Data Act, information in a medical record must be retained for at least ten years after the last information was entered into the document.
In order for us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Personal identification number
  • Health data
  • Information about the event(s) that can be linked to you and that form the basis of the claim
  • Information on who is your guardian/legal representative and/or trustee
The processing is necessary for our legitimate interest to establish, exercise or defend ourselves against legal claims.The data is stored for the time required for Humana to be able to investigate the claim and take any action.
In order for us to be able to report suspected crimes (where it does not violate statutory confidentiality)
  • Name of the person
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and email
  • Personal identification number
  • Health information
  • Information about the event(s) that can be linked to you and that form the basis of the action
  • suspicion of crime
  • Information on who is your guardian/legal representative and/or trustee if you are a minor
The processing is necessary for our legitimate interest in being able to report crimes and for the police's ability to establish legal claims.The data is stored for the time required for Humana to be able to establish and complete a report of a crime and until the law enforcement authorities have made a decision on the investigation or have completed the case.

This information is addressed to those who are or are interested in becoming a foster parent, as well as to those who are the spouse/partner of the person who has applied to become a foster parent. This includes ongoing, completed and potential placements.

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources:

  • Yourself
  • Your reference
  • The family home consultants you work with
  • The commissioning municipality
Why do we process your personal data? What types of personal data do we process? What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? How long do we keep your personal data?
To process your expression of interest and decide whether you can become a family home with us
  • Your name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Personal identity number
  • Information about your living situation
  • Financial information
  • Health information
  • Political opinions and information on religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Information on sexual orientation
  • Information on current and previous foster care placements with you
  • Social situation
  • Assessment of ability to be a family home
  • References
  • Information about your background that you provide to us
  • Audio recordings of interviews
The processing is necessary for the preparation of a future contract with you and for the performance of our public interest task of providing social care and for reasons related to the management of these services.Humana processes your personal data for the preparation of a contract and for the duration of the contract between you and us.
The personal data is stored for two years after the assignment has been completed.
If you are not assigned an assignment, the personal data is stored for two years after the family home investigation has been completed.
For documentation of work tasks in social services
  • Name of the person
  • Personal identity number
  • Information about Humana's supervision of the family home
  • Information about the follow-up of the assignment
  • Reporting on the assignment sent to the commissioning social service
The processing is necessary for us to fulfill our task of general interest to provide social care. The personal data is deleted two years after the assignment is completed
To administer the assignment and for payment of fees and expenses
  • Name and surname
  • Personal identity number
  • Contact details such as postcode, address, telephone number
  • Bank account information
The processing is necessary to fulfill the agreement between you and HumanaInformation is stored, for example, according to the Accounting Act for seven years after the end of the year in which the transaction was carried out.
In order to fulfill our legal obligations under law, such as the Accounting Act, and to comply with judgments or government decisions
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Bank account information
  • Invoice and payment history
The processing is necessary for us to fulfill our legal obligations under, among other things, the Accounting Act

Humana processes your personal data as long as we have a legal obligation to do so.
Information is stored according to the Accounting Act for seven years after the end of the year in which the transaction was carried out.

This information is intended for those who are related to a foster parent, such as a child in the foster household, another foster child in the household, a foster parent's separate spouse, or a foster parent's roommate. In some cases, we also handle information about relatives or friends who regularly come into contact with the child in foster care. This includes ongoing, completed and possible future placements.

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources:

  • Yourself
  • Anyone who is or is interested in becoming a foster parent to whom you are related
  • The commissioning municipality
Why do we process your personal data?What types of personal data do we process?What is our legal basis for processing your personal data?How long do we keep your personal data?
To process a prospective foster parent's application to become a foster parent, which may include your name
  • your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and email
  • age
And where relevant:
  • Information on living situation
  • Health information
  • Political opinions and data concerning religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Data on sexual orientation
  • Social situation
  • Data relating to you resulting from the foster parent's description of their background
The processing is necessary for the performance of our public interest task of providing social care services and for reasons related to the management of those services.Humana processes your personal data for the preparation of a contract and for the duration of the contract between your relative and us.Personal data is deleted two years after the end of the assignment.If the family home is not assigned an assignment, the personal data is deleted two years after the family home investigation is completed.
In order to handle prospective family home parents' application to become family home parents, where you as a minor child of the family home parents or as a former family home placed with them can be mentioned
  • Your name
  • Age of the child
  • Gender
  • Information on living situation
  • Health information
  • Leisure interests
  • School situation
  • Personality
  • Your views on being a family home
  • Social situation
And to the extent that it is relevant:
  • Information on sexual orientation
  • Political opinions and data concerning religious or philosophical beliefs
The processing is necessary for the performance of our public interest task of providing social care services and for reasons related to the management of those services.Humana processes your personal data for the preparation of contracts and for the duration of the contract between the prospective family home and us.The personal data is deleted two years after the assignment has ended.If the family is not assigned an assignment, the personal data is deleted two years after the family home investigation is completed.

This information is addressed to you if you are a family member or relative of one of our clients or students. This includes ongoing, completed and potential assignments.

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources:

  • Yourself
  • Your municipality
  • The guardianship board
  • Customer/client/student you are related to
Why do we process your personal data? What types of personal data do we process? What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? How long do we keep your personal data?
To respond to requests by mail, email, phone, forms, etc. and provide the assistance requested
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, phone number and email
  • Your relationship with our customer
The processing is necessary to fulfill your and Humana's legitimate interest in being able to respond to your requestsHumana processes your personal data until the case has been closed and for a period of two years thereafter
To be able to contact you in matters relating to the person to whom you are a relative or next of kin
  • Name of the person
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
  • Personal identification number
  • Your relationship with our client
Humana's legitimate interest in contacting you regarding the person to whom you are related/relative, guardian, or trustee, and to keep you informed of general information including activities that we think you may be interested in

Humana will process your personal data for as long as the person to whom you are a relative, guardian or trustee is a customer of ours.
To send you relevant information such as newsletters and invitations to activities
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
  • Your relationship with our customer
Our legitimate interest in keeping you informed of general information including activities that we think you may be interested inHumana processes your personal data for as long as the person to whom you are related/relative, guardian or trustee is a customer of ours, or earlier if we are informed that our customer has another person as a related/relative, guardian or trustee.
In order to be able to fulfill our legal obligations, such as to draw up notifications of concern under the Social Services Act
  • Name of the person
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Your relationship with our client
  • Any information about the event(s) that can be linked to you and that form the basis for the action
  • Any suspicion of crime
The processing is necessary for us to fulfill our legal obligations under law such as the Social Services Act and/or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.Humana processes your personal data for as long as we have a legal obligation to do so.
Under the Social Services Act, for example, it is five years.
In order for us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and email
  • Information about the event(s) that can be linked to you and that form the basis of the action
  • Your relationship with our customer
The processing is necessary for our legitimate interest of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.The data is stored for the time required for Humana to investigate the claim and take any action.
In order for us to be able to report suspected crimes (where it does not violate statutory confidentiality)
  • Name of the person
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number and email
  • Information about the event(s) that can be linked to you and that form the basis for the action
  • Any suspicion of a crime
  • Your relationship with our customer
The processing is necessary for our legitimate interest to be able to report crimes and for the police to be able to establish legal claims.The data is stored for the time necessary for us to be able to establish and complete a report of a crime and until the law enforcement authorities have made a decision on the investigation or have completed the case.

This information is addressed to you, the client and contact person of an authority with which we have a contract. This includes ongoing, completed and potential assignments.

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources:

  • Yourself
  • Your employer
  • Your colleagues.
Why do we process your personal data? What types of personal data do we process? What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? How long do we keep your personal data?
To prepare and carry out a mission, such as the provision of family homes, special housing or school activities
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
Humana's legitimate interest in being able to contact your employer (authority) and fulfill agreements with the employerHumana saves your data for as long as it is relevant, i.e. during the time you are an official in a municipality or at an authority with which our business has contact. We review all saved contacts annually and ensure that they are still current. When you no longer hold the position, we delete your contact details
To follow up on ongoing cases
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
Humana's legitimate interest in being able to contact your employer (authority)As above
For invoicing and administration
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
Humana's legitimate interest in being able to contact your employer (authority) and fulfill agreements with it

Information is saved according to the Accounting Act for seven years after the end of the year in which the transaction was carried out.
To send information and marketing about our services.
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
The processing is necessary to fulfill Human's legitimate interest to market our businessAs above
To report abuses in the business, care injuries and notification of the need for a guardian/trustee
  • Name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
The processing is necessary for us to be able to fulfill our legal obligations under law (Social Services Act)As above

This information is intended for you if you are a contact person of a supplier or partner of a company or organization with which Humana has a business relationship. This includes ongoing, terminated and potential business contacts.

Why do we process your personal data? What types of personal data do we process? What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? How long do we keep your personal data?
For the performance and conclusion of contracts between your company and Humana
  • Your name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
Humana's legitimate interest in being able to contact your employer and fulfill agreements with the employer. Humana saves your information during the contract period as long as they are current, that is, during the time you are our contact person for the company with which we have an agreement.We review all saved contacts annually and ensure that they are still current. When you no longer hold the position, we delete your contact details. Your data will then be deleted.
For billing and administration
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
The processing is necessary for us to be able to enter into and fulfill agreements between your company and HumanaAs above
For sending out information and marketing of our servicesAs aboveThe processing is necessary to fulfill Humana's legitimate interest to market our businessHumana saves your data during the contract period as long as they are current, that is, during the time you are our contact person with the company with which we have an agreement.We review all saved contacts annually and ensure that they are still current. When you no longer hold the position, we delete your contact details. Your data is then deleted.
In order to fulfill our legal obligations under the law, such as the Accounting Act, and to comply with judgments or government decisionsAs aboveThe processing is necessary for us to fulfill our legal obligations under, among other things, the Accounting Act.Humana processes your personal data as long as we have a legal obligation to do so.
Information is stored according to the Accounting Act for seven years after the end of the year in which the transaction was carried out or the agreement ended.
In order for us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
  • Information about the event(s) that can be linked to you and on which the action is based
The processing is necessary in order to satisfy Humana's legitimate interest to establish, exercise or defend against legal claims.The data is stored for the time necessary for Humana to investigate the claim and take any action.

This information is for those who contact Humana, sign up to receive our newsletters or register to attend our events.

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources:

  • Yourself
Why do we process your personal data? What types of personal data do we process? What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? How long do we keep your personal data?
To respond to requests by mail, email, phone, forms, etc. and provide the assistance requested
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, phone number, email
  • Your request
The processing is necessary to fulfill Humana's legitimate interest to be able to respond to requests and provide the assistance requestedHumana processes your personal data until the case has been closed and for a period of two (2) years thereafter
To send information and marketing about Humana's services
  • Name.
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
The processing is necessary to fulfill Humana's legitimate interest to market our businessInformation is stored for up to two (2) years from the time of collection
To send you relevant information in the form of newsletters and to manage invitations and participation in events
  • Your name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, phone number, email
  • Dietary preferences of those registering for events
  • Workplace and job title
The processing is necessary for us to process your newsletter order or for booking one of our events. Performance of a contractHumana processes your personal data during the time there is a contract between you and Humana, for example a subscription to our newsletter

This information is addressed to you when you submit application documents for a vacancy or submit spontaneous applications.

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources:

  • Yourself
  • Your reference person
  • The employment service or employment agency
Why do we process your personal data? What types of personal data do we process? What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? How long do we keep your personal data?
To process your application
  • Your name and address
  • Contact details such as postal address, phone number, email
  • Answers to selection questions in the application form
  • CV
  • Personal letter
  • Other attachments (e.g. grades)
  • References
  • Results of any occupational psychology tests
  • Information about you from job interview
Humana has a legitimate interest in processing your data to handle your application.
Results from work psychology tests are only processed with your approval.
All personal data is deleted from Humana AB's database in the recruitment system within 24 months of your last applied position.In the case of spontaneous applications, all personal data is deleted after six months.
To complete the recruitment process
  • Your name
  • Personal identification number
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
  • Other information as stated in the employment contract
The processing is necessary for us to be able to enter into and fulfill agreements between you and HumanaAs above
To comply with the rules on providing information about merits under the Discrimination Act (only applies to job applicants who have been interviewed)
  • Education and training
  • Professional experience
  • Other qualifications
The processing is necessary to fulfill our legal obligation under the Discrimination ActAll personal data is stored in accordance with the Discrimination Act for 24 months after completed recruitment. After that, the data is deleted from Humana AB's database in the recruitment system.
For future contact and job offers
  • Your name
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number
  • CV
  • Personal letter
  • Other attachments (for example, grades)
The processing is necessary for us to be able to enter into and fulfill agreements between you and HumanaAll personal data is deleted from Humana AB's database within the recruitment system for 24 months after your last applied position. In the case of spontaneous applications, all personal data is deleted after six (6) months
To be able to inform you about new positions that you may be interested in applying for
  • Your name
  • Personal identification number
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
  • Answers to selection questions in the application form
  • CV
  • Personal letter
  • Other attachments (e.g. grades)
  • References
  • Results of work psychology tests
  • Information about you from the job interview
Your explicit consent.All personal data will be deleted from Humana AB's database in the recruitment system within 24 months of your last applied position.In the case of spontaneous applications, all personal data is deleted after six months.However, the data is stored at most during the time the consent is valid and is deleted when the consent is withdrawn.
To enable us to establish, exercise or defend ourselves against legal claims
  • Name of the data subject
  • Personal identification number
  • Contact details such as postal address, telephone number, e-mail
  • Answers to selection questions in the application form
  • CV
  • Personal letter
  • Other attachments (e.g. grades)
  • References
  • Information about you from the job interview
The processing is necessary to satisfy our legitimate interest in being able to establish, exercise or defend ourselves against legal claims.The data is stored for the time necessary for Humana to investigate the claim and take any action.

This information is addressed to you, the referee of a job applicant who has submitted application documents for an advertised position or who has submitted spontaneous applications to Humana.

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources:

  • Yourself
  • The job applicant
Why do we process your personal data? What types of personal data do we process? What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? How long do we keep your personal data?
To prepare and complete the recruitment process.
  • Your name
  • Contact details such as postal address, phone number, email
  • Your opinion of the job applicant.
The processing is necessary to meet Humana's legitimate interest in being able to prepare and complete employment processes with job applicants for whom you are a reference person.All personal data will be deleted from Humana AB's database in the recruitment system within 24 months after your last applied position. In the case of spontaneous applications, all personal data will be deleted after six (6) months.

This information is addressed to you, the subject of reported whistleblowing cases.

Humana receives your personal data from the following sources:

  • The whistleblower/yourself
Why do we process your personal data? What types of personal data do we process? What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? How long do we keep your personal data?
Because it is necessary for us to investigate a report of work-related misconduct.About the data subject:Information that you have chosen to provide about yourself, such as contact details. However, this is optional for the reporter.About the report:Information that the whistleblower has chosen to provide, such as information about names and what happened.The processing is necessary for us to fulfill our legal obligation to handle the whistleblowing case.Humana will keep your data for as long as it is necessary for us to process it, but no longer than two (2) years after the case has been closed.

What are your rights regarding our processing of personal data?

You have the right to access the personal data we process about you and to obtain information about the processing of your personal data by requesting a so-called register extract from us in writing. The register extract must be signed by you in order for us to process your request.

In accordance with the GDPR, we cannot disclose personal data if it could adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

Request for access to personal data

You have the right to obtain, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data we process about you. You also have the right to have incomplete personal data concerning you completed.

Request for correction of personal data

You have the right to have your personal data erased if

  • The personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they are processed; or
  • You withdraw the consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing.

We are not obliged to delete the personal data in your request if the processing is necessary, for example, to comply with a legal obligation or if there is a contractual relationship where we have to assert or defend legal claims.

Request for deletion of personal data

You have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted under certain conditions. An example is if you contest the accuracy of the personal data. You can then request that the processing of the relevant personal data be restricted for the period during which we verify the accuracy of the personal data. Restricting processing means that we may only process the personal data by storing it while we investigate whether the data is incorrect, for example.

You have the right to object at any time to our processing of your personal data based on the legal grounds:

  • Public interest or exercise of official authority
  • balancing of interests.

If you object to this type of processing, we may no longer process your personal data, unless we can demonstrate:

  • Compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms
  • If the processing is carried out for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

If you object to the processing of personal data processed for direct marketing purposes, we will cease such processing immediately and we will consider your objection on a case-by-case basis.

If you believe that our processing of your personal data is in breach of applicable data protection legislation or that your rights are not being respected by us, you can contact us or turn to the Swedish Data Protection Authority (IMY) External link., imy@imy.se, which is the supervisory authority.If the complaint concerns our use of cookies, you can contact us or the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) External link., pts@pts.se, which is the supervisory authority.

If the processing is based on the legal grounds of contract or consent, you have the right to request the transfer of the personal data you have provided to us to another controller. You also have the right to have your personal data transferred directly from us to another controller where this is technically feasible.

Once you have consented to the processing of your personal data for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Once you have withdrawn your consent, we may not continue processing your personal data. However, the withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of the processing we have carried out up to the time you withdraw your consent. You can withdraw your consent verbally or in writing to us.

In some cases, we cannot delete data, or restrict its processing, for example because we are required to process it by law. It may also be that the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

Who do we share your personal data with and where is it processed?

Humana may in several cases need to share your personal data with other actors. For example, we may need to provide information to authorities and healthcare providers. We also share your personal data with some of our suppliers who process personal data on our behalf, so-called data processors. This list sets out the types of processors and other recipients with whom we share your personal data:

  • Municipalities and other clients, including potential clients, when personal data is processed within the scope of our assignments according to legal requirements and agreements, for example when sharing information with social services
  • Authorities and care providers, when it follows from legal requirements, other regulations or official decisions
  • IT suppliers (operation, services, support, storage)
  • Other companies within the Humana group
  • Persons who are close relatives/relatives, guardians, contact persons, guardians and/or trustees of our customers.

If you or anyone else in the household has protected personal data, this will be handled according to our applicable rules and procedures.

We always aim to process your personal data within the EU/EEA and all our own IT systems are located within the EU/EEA. However, in the case of system support and maintenance, we may need to transfer the information to a country outside the EU/EEA, for example if we share your personal data with a processor who, either itself or through a subcontractor, is established or processes information in a country outside the EU/EEA. In these cases, the processor may only access the information relevant for the purpose (e.g. log files).
Regardless of the country in which your personal data is processed, we take all reasonable legal, technical and organizational measures to ensure that the level of protection is the same as in the EU/EEA. When personal data is processed outside the EU/EEA, the level of protection is ensured either by the country where the data is processed having an adequacy finding from the European Commission, or by a standard contractual agreement with the recipient of the data. If you would like more information about the safeguards in place or the countries to which we transfer your personal data, please contact us.

Do you want to get in touch with us regarding our processing of your personal data?

Humana AB
Warfvinges väg 39, 7tr
112 51 Stockholm
Switchboard: +46 8 599 299 00
Fax: +46 8599 299 99

For general information about us: info@humana.se
For questions about GDPR: dataskyddsombud@humana.se

Please note that we do not accept job applications via these email addresses. All our jobs can be found in our job portal.

To the job portal External link.

Humana's cookie policy

  • First-party cookies are issued by Humana
  • Third-party cookies are issued by someone other than the party responsible for the website, such as advertising partners
  • Session cookies are temporarily stored on your device while you visit the website and are deleted when you close your browser
  • Session cookies are stored on your device for a set period of time after you close your browser and expire after that time

For more information on cookies see www.pts.se External link.

On Humana websites, we use cookies, which are small text files sent back and forth between computer servers and the device you use to visit our website (computer, tablet or mobile phone).

There are several reasons why we use cookies. One reason is to improve your user experience and to simplify for you as a visitor by, for example, remembering the settings you have made.

We also use cookies to analyze traffic and behavior so that we can find errors and shortcomings that make it difficult for you to use our services and improve our websites.

Humana and our advertisers also use cookies to measure how our websites are used. These include cookies from Google Analytics, Siteimprove and Matomo. Some cookies come from advertisers such as Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin and they measure the effectiveness of ads and where visitors come from and are used for advertising on other platforms.

The results of the tracking used on our websites are only shared with the issuer of the cookie.

A further purpose is to be able to show ads that are interesting and relevant to you. We do this by analyzing user behavior from data collected with our cookies. The ads are shown on other websites based on previous visits to our website.

We have the following advertising features enabled for Google Analytics:

  • Remarketing with Google Analytics
  • Impression reporting for the Google Display Network
  • Demographic and interest reports in Google Analytics
  • Integrated services that require Google Analytics to collect data via ad cookies and anonymous identifiers
  • Visitor's IP number is collected when visiting our website for statistical purposes
  • For all Google products, Humana follows Google's official advertising policy. External link.

The personal data we process about you depends on the cookies you have accepted when you visit our website. You can then choose whether to accept three different types of cookies depending on what they are used for: settings, statistics and marketing. There is also a fourth group, cookies that are necessary for the functioning of the website.

  • Necessary cookies: information you have provided about yourself, your IP address and approximate geographical address, serial number of the device you are using
  • Settings: Information about settings you have chosen on our website, your IP address, information about the device you are using
  • Statistics: your IP address and approximate geographical address, information about the device you are using, which website you visited before our website, how you have browsed and scrolled on our website and where you have clicked
  • Marketing: Data you have provided about yourself, your IP address and approximate geographical address, information about the device you are using, how you have browsed and scrolled our website and where you have clicked.

We have assessed that we have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data to provide a well-functioning website, to improve our website and to market ourselves and that these interests outweigh your interest in not having your data processed. For more information on our processing of personal data and your rights, please see the other parts of our Personal Data Processing Policy.

When you visit our website, you can make your choices and read about the different cookies available on our website. Some cookies are necessary for us to provide you with our services and these cannot be opted out. You can easily change or withdraw your consent to other cookies.

You can also make settings in your browser that automatically deny the storage of cookies or that inform you every time a website wants to store a cookie. You can also go in and delete any cookies set previously. The settings you can make depend on the browser you are using, see your browser's help pages for more information.

This privacy policy was last updated on 2023-05-10.